Welcome to the Mobile Writers Guild!
What MWG Does
The Mobile Writers Guild is dedicated to supporting writers across the Gulf Coast. Our members are writers of all stages, from brand new beginners to seasoned published pros.
Our primary work includes:
Educational Events
During our Guild’s season between September and May, MWG hosts monthly meetings with craft workshops to help members hone their skills, understand the business of publishing, and stay inspired.
Our past speakers include Carolyn Haines, Sue Brannan Walker, and Johnnie Bernhard
Networking + Community
It is the Guild’s mission to provide members with a place to connect with fellow writers. From finding critique partners to mentors to industry peers, members have unique access to a community with writers from all walks of life. And many forge lifelong friendships with their fellow guild members.
Support for the Arts
The future of any creative craft lies in the hands of the next generation. Our Guild awards an annual scholarship, the Tracy Hurley & Frances Pugh Memorial Writing Scholarship, to promising young writers in middle school and high school.
We also know that writers often start as passionate readers, which is why we also support the Mobile Public Library System.
How Do I Become a Member?
Membership is open to anyone living in Mobile, AL or surrounding counties in Mississippi, Alabama, or Florida
And becoming a member is easy:
First, you’re welcome to join any one of our monthly meetings as a guest.
If you enjoy the meeting and would like to attend future sessions, membership registration is quick, requiring only your name, email, and a bit of information about your writing (such as your preferred genres).
To be considered an active member of MWG, all members must pay $15 in annual dues.
Attendance at monthly meetings is not required to stay in good standing. However, to be considered for opportunities such as publication in the Guild’s anthology and becoming an officer, members must attend at least 3 sessions during the September-May season for that year.
Send us a message here and we’ll be back to you as soon as possible:
Still have questions?
Want to attend a meeting?
Our meetings take place on the first Thursday of the month at 6:00PM at West Regional Library branch, located at:
5555 Grelot Road,
Mobile, AL 36609
For the most up-to-date information about upcoming meetings and events, please visit our Facebook page.